Remote HA Automation Builder Service (RPH)

Let us take care of getting your Home Assistant devices automated with our Smart Home Consultation. Setting up basic automations in Home Assistant is easy, however, we understand that some automations can get complicated if they involve a lot of conditions. If you don’t have the time and the patience to work out all eventualities, we can do this for you! In fact most scenarios we’ve already got covered so the leg work is done!


As part of the service we will give you a call or an email, whichever you prefer, to establish what it is you want to achieve and what factors we need to consider around the objective. Understanding how people, or even pets, in your household will interact is key to getting a successful automation implemented.

We can also give you ideas on how to automate devices and recommend any devices you may need to achieve your goals.


Once all the factors are established, we will create the automation and integrate any devices you may need to get the automation implemented.

Testing and feedback

Once the automation is running we will check back after a few days or weeks, whichever is relevant, to ensure things are still running smoothly. Any complex automation will involve some fine tuning, as every environment and it’s occupants is different. Smart Homes are easy, it’s us humans that are complicated!

For the remote service we require you have a stable broadband connection and one of the following:

  • Android devices running Android 8 or later
  • Windows 10, 8, 7 and Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008
  • macOS 10.7 or newer
  • Chromebooks that can run Android apps


This service is charged by the hour (RPH) and an expected cost is quoted after consultation. Most automations can be set up in 1-2 hours.
